Motivating Quote From An Alpha Female

“We must believe that we are gifted for something, and that this thing, at whatever cost, must be attained. ” Marie Curie (1867–1934) French physicist and chemist, two-time Nobel Prize winner

Marie Curie was an alpha female of her time, making advances in the sciences and inroads for women in scientific careers. Her accomplishments and advice are as relevant today no matter what we’re reading, writing, or striving to achieve.

For paranormal romance writers, this quote is an excellent reminder while crafting alpha female characters. (I’ve added it to my office bulletin board) Our characters must believe in their strengths to help them reach the thing they want most, no matter the obstacles.

With Justice Incarnate, my alpha female, Jaden, has battled evil before and with her bold and brash manner she’s determined to end an evil reign permanently. But in Invasion of Justice, Petra, is a much quieter sort of alpha female. She’s got skills – an no shortage of determination – it’s a matter of coming out of her shell and convincing others her solutions can be effective.

As a reader, I find determined characters inspiring, flaws and all (because too much perfect is just too much) I like to watch alpha female characters with skills and attitude go after what they want, no matter the cost. It’s even better when they have to learn, adapt, and grow into better characters through the challenges of the story.

Sure, my tendency to write physically capable alpha females stems from my own physical limitations – but there’s no safer way to live out a fantasy than in a book, whether the goal is taking down a bad guy or the achieving the perfect yoga sun salutation.

As motivation, Curie’s quote is excellent for paranormal writers – and anyone else who has a dream. Belief is a critical element in achieving any goal. I personally believe every person has a unique gift and the means to use that gift to make a positive difference – big or small – in the world.

Whether your gift is telling stories to entertain readers with feisty alpha females, or the way you disseminate a chemical reaction, embrace your gift to attain your goals!

Live the adventure!

Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more:

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Sanat

    Regan, thank you for sharing this quote. Too often in our busy lives we get distracted and forget we have a unique gift. Appreciate the reminder.

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