Super Power World Building in Avengers

Okay, call me a geek, a fan, or even a fan-geek, but ever since I saw the Avengers movie on Saturday in IMAX 3D I’ve been hard pressed to think of much beyond else but how soon I can go back. This may be the first Mother’s Day when my son won’t groan over what I want to do most.

Don’t worry you won’t find spoilers here – just the shock and awe over the story, the characterization, the world building, and the eye-candy. (hey, I’m human!)

This film was clearly a huge undertaking and the ground work for story and characters has been built brick by brick in the previous movies. But the way it was pulled together for this event, creating a world in which super powered individuals unify as a team was a work of sheer genius.

I wasn’t sure about the villain for this one, but the writers offer up a villain big enough to challenge this talented crew, forcing them to get creative and call on personal as well as team efforts to save (or avenge) humanity.

Personally, I loved the way the characters were portrayed: skills and flaws. Giving each character the screen time to be likeable (or hate-worthy in the case of villains) was a delicate balancing act and I was beyond impressed with the way this super team dealt with one another. From trust issues to clever quips and odd partnerships, the Avengers were amazing.

Fans of alpha female characters will have to look long and hard to find someone to top Black Widow. Not just the physical skills but the mental toughness that keeps her going against impossible odds.

And what a nod to world building! Sure you can set a lot of stories in New York City, but this one is my new favorite. It’s not too dark, thought the threat is deadly. It’s not sappy. There are some campy moments, but they add rather than detract from the whole adventure.

I loved the technology advancements via Tony Stark and S.H.I.E.L.D.  and the cube previously used by Captain America’s nemesis.

As for the eye candy, well there’s someone delightful to enjoy in every scene – no matter who you are. I think it’s one of the best ploys of the developers of this film. If women weren’t Marvel comic fans before, they’ll be converted by this.

And the guys have plenty of to cheer about with the seriously sexy (and often lethal) female characters.

Fans of action movies, chick flicks, comic heroes, and bulging biceps will all enjoy this film!

Live the adventure!

Regan Black paranormal romance author

Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: