God Worthy World Building for a Paranormal Novel

Okay, he’s not  paranormal romance writer, but Rick Riordan sure has perfected the art of world building for paranormal novels.

Riordan’s latest young adult release, The Red Pyramid, The Kane Chronicles Book 1 came out in March, but I just got a chance to read it and I enjoyed the ride from the first word to the last!

Once again, Riordan superimposed a mythological network on the modern world (Egyptian this time) creating an unforgettable adventure that takes a brother and sister globetrotting through monuments and museums in an effort to save the world us mere mortals know and love.

It’s the unlikely combination of what is known with what must surely be impossible that brings the magic of this story to life on the page. If you’re looking to beef up your world building for a paranormal romance novel, reading Riordan is a fun way to learn the craft.

Riordan’s world building is perfected by in depth research and understanding of the Egyptian mythology he’s applied with such creativity the gods themselves (greater and lesser) can’t help but admire along with readers.

One of my favorite lines was the answer to why the secret Egyptian hideout in New York City was in Brooklyn rather than Manhattan: “Manhattan has other problems. Other gods. It’s best we stay separate.” Fans (like me) of the Percy Jackson series will laugh out loud in appreciation of Riordan’s voice, humor, and style.

I feel the Kane Chronicles are yet another hit for Riordan and I encourage readers of all ages to dive into the past and present of Egypt and the ever-so-obvious remnants of Egyptology that surround us.

Read the adventure!

Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: http://www.ReganBlack.com/perks