Welcome to 2011!

Well, yes it is adopted greyhound day here at Regan Black.com, but they’re giving me a longer leash to wish you a Happy New Year!

Our three adopted greyhounds have had a very merry holiday season! Three weeks of a grandma visiting and cooking and baking and sneaking extra treats. Boo, Brody and Bandit have all enjoyed bites of apple and potato and the occasional nip of blueberry muffin or pie crust.

No, I’m not supposed to know all this, so I let them have their delusion of grand secrets.

In any case the big news is our adopted greyhounds have agreed to support my paranormal romance author endeavors for another year. They have solemnly pledged (with big eyes, toothy grins, and leg-thumping tails) to:

…let Momma write with two hands more often than just one hand.

…stay on the side of the couch that isn’t holding Momma’s laptop.

…coordinate trips to the water bowl and the back yard to match Momma’s breaks for coffee and yoga.

…keep kitty chasing to a minimum when Momma’s fingers are tapping most quickly on the keyboard.

Additionally, the adopted greyhounds have agreed to allow me divert from the regularly scheduled greyhound post to tell you about news and new releases coming in 2011:

…the Revisions and Resolutions class for writers starts January 5th. Always a great time to evaluate goals and get motivated. Join in!

…a facebook fan page is in the works, and will launch with an original novel featuring Slick Micky of the Shadows of Justice series.

…I’ll be signing the Adopt A Greyhound Guide and Shadows of Justice novels at the Total Health Fair in Charleston, SC on January 15th.

…more short stories are in editing as well as a brand new paranormal romance series – details coming soon.

Happy New Year from Boo, Bandit, Brody and the humans they live with!

Live the greyhound adventure!

Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: http://www.ReganBlack.com/perks