The Magical First Kiss

Back in February, Nikki of the Close Encounters with the Night Kind blog had me join in the First Kiss event. It was a great time! As I continue work on my urban fantasy and paranormal romance novels I’m continually faced with the tricky fun of the first kiss between the hero and heroine.

Recently (on yet another road trip) I was listening to an old Toby Keith album and one of my favorite songs came on: Huckleberry. At the end of the first verse, the girl asks the boy if he’s ever really kissed a girl.

I love the whole song, but that line says so much about her. She’s obviously not afraid to reach for what she wants and her boldness empowers him too. They become a team, and stronger for it, as they vow to stick by one another no matter what the world throws at them.

(considering at song’s end they have three kids, I’m guessing the world threw them plenty of joys and surprises)

Personally, I have fond memories of my first ‘real’ kiss near the bus stop, but I won’t bore you with those details… 😉 Suffice it to say, that kiss didn’t lead to a forever kind of happy ending (but it was sure fun while it lasted).

In my favorite romance novels that first kiss is the first halting or headlong rush toward a happily ever after. That’s just one more reason why I find those scenes tricky – and fun – to write.

The magic of the first kiss, the physical and emotional depth of that moment, lays the ground work for the progression of the romance as well as the rest of the story and opens up a new world of potential.

Anything can happen – in that moment, and more importantly, after that moment!

How will the kiss change things? Who will recognize the significance first? How will either character accept that change and significance? There are so many possibilities getting to that first meeting of lips and the immediate character reactions in the aftermath.

Memories of my own first kiss, either way back at the bus stop or when I first kissed the man I married buoy me through those scenes today. Sure I have to know my characters and how they’d feel about kissing their soulmate, but it’s a great perk of writing romance to get to spend a few minutes of every novel daydreaming about those delightful moments.

Live the adventure!

Regan Black paranormal romance author

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Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: