Camelot Time Travel and Romance Oh My #poweredbyindie

The legends of King Arthur, Camelot, and Avalon were my first loves as a fantasy reader. Those worlds held magic and power. Danger and hope. Great battles of dark versus light. Severe tests of human willpower against temptation. And of course romance and love.

timeless-changesThere were limitless possibilities for me in Camelot, as a reader as well as an author who loves to ask “What if…?” What if Arthur needed knights who could defeat death and time to conquer a pervasive evil? It’s the premise that has developed into the Knight Traveler series.

Crafting the stories – both the novels and the shorter tales within the series – brings me such joy as a writer. I can dive into fantasy worlds and magics dark and light and see where the characters take me.

That joy is magified a 1000 times when reviewers and readers come along for the ride and fall in love with these adventures too.

This is a series best delivered through indie publishing simply by it’s nature. The Knight Traveler books have time travel, romance, adventure, and fantasy rolled into one. I’m grateful for the technology and options authors have to deliver books to readers that might not fit a traditional model or schedule.

I’ve enjoyed wonderful experiences with my traditional publishers and look forward to a continued strong partnership in years to come. Indie publishing offers authors and readers another outlet to connect. With the superb indie publishing options I can bring my Knight Traveler series and other stories directly to readers as my imagination and schedule allows.

I am thankful for the boundless opportunities and proud to be #PoweredByIndie

Be sure to check out my newest #PoweredByIndie adventure, TIMELESS CHANGES, available October 25, 2016!

Live the adventure!

Regan Black paranormal romance author

Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: