Regan Black Releases New Paranormal Romance Novel

Drum roll please… Tracking Shadows has officially arrived!

I just can’t adequately express how happy I am about this book. Slick Micky has been pestering me for years to be the lead in his own story, but I had to find the right woman. I believe Trina is the perfect foil for Micky, and not just because she came back to Chicago to assassinate him. I suppose Tracking Shadows could be labeled as both urban fantasy (it’s set in Chicago in 2096) and as a paranormal romance novel since…well I won’t spoil the surprise.

For those of you who follow along regularly, you know Tracking Shadows stemmed from a minor social media experiment. I posted the rough draft of the novel in daily installments on my Facebook fan page. It was a great exercise in creativity and discipline and I LOVED it. Then, when the story was complete there, I sent it out to beta readers, editors, and got it whipped into shape for publication.

It’s been a team effort the whole way. From my family, web team and online communities cheering me on, to the readers and editorial support and of course my awesome cover artist, Karl Warren.

Please visit the Tracking Shadows page or use the BookBuzzr widget (in the sidebar) to read a sample here. You can also sample the book using your favorite device at Amazon or Or even buy it outright if you like fast paced, action-packed stories with a little romance, urban fantasy, and paranormal edge.

And $2.99 is a great price for a terrific, full length adventure that will sweep you away!

Right now, Tracking Shadows is exclusively an ebook, because I’m thoroughly enamored with my kindle and ebooks in general. It’s a wonderful, immediate way to connect and interact with readers. With so many various apps and formats readers can enjoy books anytime, anywhere on virtually any device with a screen. (But I’ll let you know as soon as it’s available in paperback)

I’ll be posting news as it comes in regarding giveaways and blog tour stops and more. Right now the place to get free stuff is at the Facebook fan page! I’m drawing from the list of fans each week in May for free Regan Black books and ebooks plus Amazon gift cards to celebrate Tracking Shadows!

Live the adventure!

Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: