What Is Regan #Reading July 26

How To Cook Without A Book. At least that’s what I’ve been reading when I’m not writing or cruising dorm supply websites for the few things we need to pick up for the next dorm move… (more on that countdown later).

cook bookThis is the non-fiction I’ve been poking through when my brain needs a break from my story worlds. Since we’re mostly a house of two these days, it’s been tough recalling how I prepped meals way back before children.

A friend of mine gave this book to Brilliant Daughter as an engagement gift and I’m thinking it’s one I should add to my permanent collection as well.

About the book: 

Pam Anderson grew up watching her parents and grandparents make dinner every night by simply taking the ingredients on hand and cooking them with the techniques they knew.

Times have changed. Today we have an overwhelming array of ingredients and a fraction of the cooking time, but Anderson believes the secret to getting dinner on the table lies in the past. After a long day, who has the energy to look up a recipe and search for the right ingredients before ever starting to cook?

To make dinner night after night, Anderson believes the first two steps–looking for a recipe, then scrambling for the exact ingredients–must be eliminated. Understanding that most recipes are simply “variations on a theme,” she innovatively teaches technique, ultimately eliminating the need for recipes.

Best of all, these recipes rise above the mundane Monday-through-Friday fare. Imagine homemade ravioli and lasagna for weeknight supper, or from-scratch tomato sauce before the pasta water has even boiled. read more.

I really like the way this book is written – like anyone can master this cooking thing. And the grandparents reference hits me right in the heart. My grandmother was famous for feeding legions of people at the drop of a hat without ever seeming to break a sweat.

I was always about making breakfasts and desserts, and after raising two children I know my way around dinner too, but it’s never been my favorite thing to do. This book is rebuilding my confidence in the kitchen and renewing my enthusiasm for creating meals my husband and I can enjoy.

Live the adventure!

Regan Black paranormal romance author


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Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: http://www.ReganBlack.com/perks