World Building for Alpha Female Characters

Hmm, is the world building for a paranormal romance novel really any different when the leading ladies are kick-butt, take charge kind of characters? The easy answer is no…and yet on some level it has to be.

No, the the settings of a paranormal romance novel don’t have to be bigger than life, imaginary places. World building for a paranormal romance novel can be equally effective in a known metropolitan area or a fictitious small town, U.S.A. If the author has taken the time to develop that world to the point that it’s an even match for the bigger than life alpha female character.

As both a reader and a writer, I believe it comes down to emphasizing the risk. An alpha female character is, by definition, going to be an independent sort, able to take care of herself, and willing to take chances to reach her goal or support her cause. The world building has to be dynamic and challenging enough to match her.

Think of world building as all about the rules for the playground your characters are using. In the case of alpha female characters, you don’t want them to overshadow or be able to conquer that world too easily. And you don’t want them to be bored by the villains or potential heroes who are also playing in that playground.

Much like you need romantic leads to be equals in intensity to offer the enticing conflict that carries a story, the risks in the world you build for your paranormal romance novel have to be enough of a danger, enough of a threat, without overshadowing the adventure itself.

So rather than elaborate on a drawing room’s lovely decor, when world building for a paranormal romance with an alpha female, you’d put that descriptive spotlight on the danger of said decor. Is there someone or something in that room that poses an immediate danger to your kick-butt leading lady?

When writing an alpha female who is master of her universe, or striving to be, any interruption to her controlled routine offers opportunity to build conflict and emphasize the risks she must overcome to reach her goal. The more you put into those dangers and risks, the more immersed the reader becomes in your world building and the more they care about your alpha female character.

Live the adventure!

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Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: