World Building for a Writing Career

Lily Tomlin said, “We’re all in this together – by ourselves.” It’s a quote I keep in a place of prominence on my desk. Specifically those words are printed on a purple star courtesy of the fabulous Margie Lawson. It’s a potent reminder for my world building of paranormal romance novels and my writing career.

I chose that star from a basket filled with quotes and encouragement in the goodie room at an RWA national conference years ago. While those words can certainly apply to many facets of life, lately (for me) they apply to none so much as publishing.

Writing is an individual sport. Even in a collaborative writing project, no one can put the words on the page for you (unless you count Dragon Naturally Speaking software). You can brainstorm, swap critiques, work with beta readers, but at the end of it all, it’s your career, your story, your responsibility.

And just like the world building for your paranormal romance novel, now you have the privilege of world building for your writing career.

What setting (or tools) do you employ to make your writing time most effective? I frequently mention how helpful it is to work at the desk I inherited from my grandma. My alphasmart Neo is another device that enhances my productivity and keeps my stories moving forward and my blogs on schedule.

Who do you turn to for encouragement, support, or a the necessary positive challenge? My web team is an integral source of encouragement, support and challenge as they keep me motivated. Feedback from readers actually helps keep me in the chair. (Thanks to all of you out there eagerly awaiting Mira’s story).

What are your rules for writing? When do you break them? More important than ever, a calendar is essential to world building for both my paranormal romance novels and my career. Just the other day a fabulous friend (and fellow author) talked me down from the ledge of total, paralyzing frustration by making me face the reality of the calendar – and the control I do have over it.

Yes, writing is a solitary journey we must traverse by ourselves, but we are in it together!

Live the adventure!




Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: