Layers of World Building For Paranormal Romance Novels

Just like it takes a village to raise a child, it takes many elements, aspects, and yes – layers to build a world worthy of a paranormal romance novel. Setting is always important to good storytelling. Doubt me? Just try to tell a ghost story on a sunny day in Disney World.

Taking that initial place, time, or structure in which your characters will play and layering in the details to amp up the mood will only help you with the world building for a paranormal romance novel. As readers and writers of paranormal romance novels, we expect and enjoy those layers and details that make it more than the average escape reading.

I thought of this layering theme frequently while packing and unpacking as we moved the brilliant daughter back into her dorm room for her senior year. (yes having a high school senior is classed as paranormal activity in my opinion – I swear she was starting kindergarten just last week!) But I digress.

As we dumped boxes in a dorm with the most basic, bare furniture, it was merely the foundation, just a place to keep some stuff. She could make her bed, put her clothes in a drawer, and plug in her laptop and it would start to serve her needs, but it still wasn’t comfy or stylish. So we unpacked and layered a carpet, bedding and shams, closet organizers, bulletin boards and decor, extra lighting and finishing touches, and gradually it became her home away from home for the next school year.

My Shadows of Justice series is set in Chicago, in 2096. But the timing is just the foundation. The story is unwrapped, embellished and highlighted in the layers and details as the characters interact with both the elements of the future and each other.

Find Invasion of Justice in E.J. Steven’s Friday the 13th Monster Giveaway Prize Pack 2!

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Live the adventure!

Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: