Reluctant Hero and the Value of Friends

Reluctant Hero will be arriving on a store shelf near you in just a few days…Oct 17th!

For most of us friends create the core of our personal community. In the military, Parker’s team became his friends and had his back in all circumstances. Coming home again, with his friends returning to their individual lives, Parker has to redefine friendship and how he’ll fit into the fabric of civilian life.

Security is what he knows. He can spot trouble from a mile out and when his friends, Rush and Sam, called on him in recent times of trouble, he was there. Now with trouble bearing down on Parker and Becca, he may have to count on his friends to bail them out.

Debra and I both enjoy writing recurring characters, and readers first meet Parker in Investigating Christmas. Deb and I built on that, exploring his friendship with Rush (Investigating Christmas Dec/2016), Sam (Marriage Confidential Jul/2016). These three men became friends as teenagers and learned how to help one another through the years. They work together when things are great and when things are going sideways in a hurry. All three men have specific skills, but what they can do as a team really sets them apart.

You can order Reluctant Hero today at your favorite bookseller, in ebook or paperback! Or read an excerpt!

Join me live on Facebook at 2pm EST on Oct 17th to celebrate the paperback release of Reluctant Hero!

Live the adventure!

Regan Black paranormal romance author


ps Read an excerpt and get a peek behind the scenes of Reluctant Hero here.

pps Check out some of our San Francisco inspiration for this book here.

Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: