The End Is A Process For This Paranormal Romance Author

Signs “The End” the end is near – at least as the term applies to writing paranormal romance novels.

When I’m drafting a novel, I cycle through the typical highs and lows of a writer’s life. I’m convinced it’s all crap, then thrilled when I nail a tough scene. Then I worry that there isn’t enough plot or conflict to flesh it out. I start dreaming of the amazing success that the next book will be. I even dawdle in deep analysis of my current sales. Often as I approach ‘the end’ I’ll indulge in rich fantasies of of writing historical romances ala Eloisa James or Sabrina Jeffries.

But I know I’m close to putting a wrap on a novel when I have to fight intense urges to clean closets, do yard work, remodel the kitchen, or paint.

All these bubbling distractions and emotions present a clear and present danger of quitting the book, possibly even abandoning writing for-ev-er! Or at least until the next sunrise.

My support network is patient as any contact, calls, emails, and lunch dates are usually chock full of whining and possible brainstorming (from me). Friends and family have learned to simply smile indulgently and ignore any and all of my rants about fiction, industry, and writing skills.

Apparently this is all part of my process. It’s gotten better (as in less pronounced) with every book I create, but it’s still there.

There’s something about the final stage that always gets me. It used to be centered around my insecurity that I wouldn’t find a new story, new characters in conflict when I typed ‘The End’ on the current work.

Now my insecurity seems to revolve around marketing questions. When the book is done – edited, cover art, formatting, etc. – how do I let readers know about it? As troubles go, being prolific and asking questions about how to improve my craft and business model are good problems to have.

Even if it drives my family and friends batty.

In case you weren’t sure, Tracking Shadows is nearly complete, and will be posted right up through “The End” on the Regan Black, Author page on Facebook! For other novels and short stories I’ve managed to wrap without permanently alienating my loved ones, visit Amazon, All Romance Ebooks, or Smashwords today!

Live the adventure!

Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: