Staying Alive Updates

This past week my brilliant daughter has been playing HvZ on her college campus. Since the game began on Sunday, she’s been sending me “Stayin’ Alive” text messages. The song’s been stuck in my head ever since (which I’m sure is just a bonus for her).

Those messages are fun, and I in turn update the rest of the family. They invariably ask me questions I can’t answer – usually in regard to the particulars of the game. For me, it’s not about the particulars – I’m not there so I don’t have to worry about the placement of my HvZ bandana or the best application of a sock grenade.

For me, the fun is in hearing what a great time my daughter is having in her efforts to avoid the ever growing Zombie population.

Finding the balance between general information and the particulars is much the same when I’m world building for paranormal romance novels too. There’s a framework that holds up the paranormal elements and there are rules within that framework. But to focus exclusively on the minutiae of those rules and framework can bog a story down or even (gasp) pull the reader out of the adventure.

When I’m writing as a paranormal romance author, I want to deliver on the romance as well as the paranormal adventure, so I focus on the particulars as they apply to the characters starring in the book. Details and consistency are vital, as long as those details don’t adversely affect the reading experience. On the other hand, not offering enough detail can frustrate a reader.

Each book is different, and the balancing point varies, which keeps me on  my toes and gives me that ‘staying alive’ rush. 😉

Be sure you’re stayin’ alive too in all the great giveaways happening here, and on the other stops along the Indie Giveaway Hop. Visit Monday’s post for a chance to win one of three prize packages here and the full list of participating blogs. And check out the Spring Fling contest for newsletter subscribers. (Both giveaways end on April 30).

Live the adventure!

Regan Black paranormal romance author

Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: