Exciting Venture For This Paranormal Romance Author

I’m so absolutely, completely thrilled to launch the venture I first hinted at when the greyhounds let me loose on their first January post of 2011!

Now available on a monitor, phone, or device near you…the Regan Black, Author page at Facebook!

To start things off at this new fan page, I’m posting an original novel, a spin off from the 2096 Shadows of Justice series. In a new note each day, you’ll be able to follow this brand new adventure and enjoy the future I created for my unique characters of the Justice Incarnate, Invasion of Justice, and Veil of Justice novels.

Just to tempt you: In 2096 Chicago, Slick Micky is the man to see if you want anything on the government’s restricted or forbidden list. Like pure sugar, real coffee, or nicotine in any variety. But being the top smuggler in town means living with a target on your back, and the other crime bosses are tired of waiting on Slick Micky’s extensive network to crumble. Will the sabotage work, or will it take an assassin who kills by creating lethal hallucinations? Trina Durham’s that assassin, but worse, she’s the woman with a long-standing personal grudge against Slick Micky.

Slick Micky first shows up in Justice Incarnate, when he hires Jaden to teach self-defense classes to the women who transport the contraband (his ‘mules’) so they can protect themselves from the demonic predator Jaden is determined to conquer.

Check out the book trailer:  Tracking Shadows

(my thanks to the photographers, models, and video designer that made that possible)

As a paranormal romance author posting a novel on Facebook is an outside-the-box venture, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. As technology advances and publishing redefines itself, delivering great paranormal romance novels to readers is my primary focus. I’ll be posting the novel in the notes section, about 3 pages worth each day until the novel is complete.

I hope you’ll join me in this fantastic adventure at the Regan Black, Author page on Facebook and dive into my latest action-packed, paranormal romance novel featuring Slick Micky!

Live the adventure!

Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: http://www.ReganBlack.com/perks