Confessions Of An Alpha Female On Hiatus

In my continuing efforts to redefine what it means to be the alpha female in my world, I’m learning to be more realistic about what I can and cannot achieve in any given day.

I’m still behaving – I swear! – and as if the universe needed to prove it, I’ve discovered that’s a very good thing. We recently attended an event for my daughter’s school, but just two hours on my feet wiped me out.

Frustrating but true.

Of course doing said social mixer after pulling a very late night with the writing probably didn’t help, but it’s all proof my body’s not yet back on track. Grrr.

However, I am finding ways to be grateful in this challengeing time. A trait I’d like to think I’ve learned in part from the many alpha female characters I’ve written over the years.

No, I can’t be Jaden who would probably take the doctors hostage until they fixed her. I’m not Petra who would use her mental talents to separate herself from the pain.  (Yes, I’m meditating – thanks for asking – and it does help but I’m not as good as Petra).

It would be awesome to have Cali’s ability to illuminate a text so I could understand what the doctors really mean. More than once since this all began long ago in December, I’ve wished for a friend like Mira, a healer who will be starring soon in her own Shadows of Justice novel.

For now, I’ll go back to playing with Mira and the other alpha female heroines in my imagination

You can dive into their world too! Buy the books on Amazon or in the format and outlet you prefer.

Live the adventure!

Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: